History of the Church:

Mana Marak and his wife Chengre K Sangma were the first to come to Christ and ready to be a Christian, but their Son-in-law Singran Marak (husband of Namri Sangma) seem to be not interested. Whatever situation they might have still they did not turn back instead day by day, Holy Spirit guided them to mature in their faith. They were baptized on 18th December, 1890 by Dr. E. G. Philips. As per the record of Missionary among seventeen people those who were baptized on that day form Boldamgre Baptist Church six of them were from Nogorpara Church.

  1. Mana ChM arak
  2. Mingje K. Sangma
  3. Ramdon Ch. Marak
  4. HajoMarak
  5. RonangMarak
  6. Korok Sangma

Foundation of the Church:  Boldamgre is far at around 10 km from Nogorpara and there are many unreached people group were sorrounded them. With all this basic reason in the year 1960 they organized meeting to move forward to established an autonomous church among them. The Boldamgre Baptist Church recommended it to the ABDK, and in 1962 ABDK General Delegate accepted Nogorpara Baptist Church to be an autonomous church. In the year 21st January, 1962 inaugarated the Nogorpara Baptist Church by Rev. Ringdon S. Sangma, Pastor Babelapara as a representative of ABDK in the presence of Rev. Gadasing M. Marak, Pastor Boldamgre Baptist Church as a Mother Church.


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