Nogorpara Baptist Church is a Church under the Garo Baptist Convention, located in extreme Bangladesh border of India in the state of Meghalaya, District: South West Garo Hills. The church is inaugarated as an autonomous Church on 21st January 1962 by Rev.Ringdon S.Sangma as a ABDK Representative. The motto of the church is “Shine the Gospel in the Cross" (John 8:12 ). Since then the Nogorpara Baptist Church has been working as an organized body under the Garo Baptist Convention. Church is working side by side for the spiritual, social, economical, academical means holistic mission.
The head of the church is Pastor according to the baptist set up. The church has two type of officers are Pastor and Deacon, so the church has four pastors and 26 deacons. Along with pastoral and deacon ministry there are different kinds of ministries as given below:
1. Pastoral Ministry is in General, and Pastors and Deacons are looking after it.
2. Men's Ministry is specially ministry for mens in spiritual as well as social and particular committee is looking after it.
3. Women's Ministry is specially ministry for womens in spiritual as well as social and a woman pastor and a particular committee is looking after it.
4. Youth Ministry is specially ministry for youth in spiritual as well as social and a pastor along with a committee is looking after it.
5.Children's Ministry is specially ministry for Child development in spiritual as well as social and a pastor and a particular committee is looking after it.
6. Social Action Ministry is specially ministry for the society to looking after underprivildge and downtrodden people in a society and a particular committee is looking after it.
7. Music ministry is also a ministry to serve God by songs and music.
8. Mission is the main focus and life of the church for which church consider herself as the purpose of existence. The Church Mission is mainly looking forward to reached unreached people group.
The church vision statement for one Decade (2010 - 2020):-
- To establish at least 4 autonomous Church from Sister Churches.
- To reached atleast an unreached people group and to established Church among the Non-Garo.